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Established in connection with the Interpack 2011 trade fair in Düsseldorf, Germany on May 12-18, the Metal Packaging Europe brings together metal packaging manufacturers, metal producers and their existing trade associations from across Europe to promote the unique strengths of metal packaging, to address the social, environmental and policy challenges facing the industry.

The vision of Metal Packaging Europe is that no metal packaging should go to landfill. This means striving towards keeping all metal packaging in the material loop, thus saving energy and resources.

Significant projects to ensure the availability of metal as a permanent resource have already been put into place. There is a common commitment aiming to increase the European metal packaging recycling rate to 80 percent by 2020 by working with all relevant stakeholders in the EU member states.

“We have come together as Metal Packaging Europe because as a unified sector we will contribute more to this vision than we can individually,” says Oliver Bell.

The board of Metal Packaging Europe is formed of chief executives from the major aluminium, steel and packaging converter companies in Europe. Chairman of the board is Christopher Homfray, president of CROWN Europe.