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The companies were trained in Strategic Management, Commercial Intelligence, Operational Management and Industry 4.0 under a Hydro program to contribute to the development of companies in Paragominas.

The program is carried out in partnership with REDES – Innovation and Economic Sustainability initiative, of the Federation of Industries of the State of Pará (Fiepa). Local companies that serve Mineração Paragominas were selected on criteria including performance, techniques and purchases.


“We believe that more-qualified suppliers develop new businesses and, consequently, generate wealth and jobs in Pará. By investing in our suppliers, we collaborate so that they are better prepared to manage their companies in a sustainable manner, generating positive results for our business and for the society of Paragominas,” says Eduardo Kaiser, Hydro's Supplier Governance and Quality Manager.

The program had four modules with 15 subjects, totaling 64 hours of courses. Entrepreneurs were able to update their knowledge and skills on organizational management, compliance, technical and commercial proposals, safety in the workplace, corporate social responsibility, digital transformation and human rights. Suppliers underwent an assessment on the topics in each discipline. At the end, points of improvement were identified, which generated an action plan for each company.


“For us, as a company, it was very constructive. We were able to implement processes developed in the course and added knowledge. Another very positive thing was the exchange of experiences with other companies that were participating in the program. We were able to absorb the knowledge passed on by Hydro and REDES / Fiepa employees. It was a great experience,” says Luciana Macedo Amorim, manager of the company Mangueirão, which specializes in hydraulic hoses and agricultural implements.

Local development

One of Hydro's objectives is the development of the regions where it operates, such as Paragominas. Last year, for example, Mineração Paragominas spent approximately BRL 1 million on purchases, with 39% of that amount being invested in purchases in Pará. Of that, 19% was in Paragominas.

Since 2017, Hydro has been working with several initiatives to develop local suppliers. The Hydro Supplier Development Program underwent a restructuring in 2018, which resulted in an integrated corporate qualification program for partner companies. The first edition in the new format promoted the certification of 21 companies. There were more than 130 class hours, about 200 people directly reached and 200 improvement actions and investments from suppliers.

In 2019, the Local Supplier Development Program was expanded to include companies in Barcarena, Paragominas and the Metropolitan Region of Belém, the state capital. The objective was to stimulate local suppliers through technical training, practices and applied assessments, generating improvements in their performance and fostering new business opportunities in large projects in Pará.
