Automatic door systems with precision and service
Agtatec AG in Switzerland knows the importance of an entrance. With over 50 years of experience in automatic door systems, the company has a leading p ...
August 8, 2011
Norway Cup: Alunorte team from Brazil aims high
The Alunorte Rain Forest soccer team from Brazil has a lot to celebrate while participating in the Norway Cup youth tournament in Oslo July 31-August ...
July 29, 2011
Alunorte Rain Forest girls' team
Here are the members of the Alunorte Rain Forest (ARF) girls' team.
July 29, 2011
Alunorte Rain Forest boys' team
Here are the members of the Alunorte Rain Forest (ARF) boys' team.
July 29, 2011
Through soccer, improving education and helping the environment
To play soccer in Norway is just one of the motivations offered to the youngsters of the Alunorte Rain Forest teams.
July 29, 2011
Second quarter 2011: Results rise on higher volumes and prices
Hydro had underlying earnings before financial items and tax of NOK 1,906 million in the second quarter, up from NOK 1,448 million in the first quarte ...
July 26, 2011
Hydro sells non-strategic stake in Norwegian power producer
Norsk Hydro ASA has on July 25, 2011, entered into an agreement to divest its 20.86% non-strategic ownership stake in northern Norwegian power product ...
July 26, 2011
Hydro investing in extrusion press in Brazil
Hydro is investing to add another extrusion press at its aluminium extrusion plant in Brazil. The extension will further strengthen the company's posi ...
June 28, 2011
Supplier of choice in solar
With aluminium gaining ground as the material of choice in the solar market, Hydro is positioned to become the market’s aluminium supplier of choice.
June 24, 2011
Hydro’s partnership makes life better in Paragominas
A medical clinic and an educational center established with support from Hydro were recently inaugurated in Paragominas, Brazil.
June 23, 2011